Thursday, September 15, 2011

Why You Need a 220v Breaker

It's hard to believe that there are really still houses and commercial structures that do not have 220v circuits, nevertheless there are. Anything less than 220v is not only inadequate for a power source, it can be dangerous. The electronic devices in modern dwellings must have more power and bottom line won't work properly if you don't have 220v circuits. It's time for an upgrade. You've been putting it off long enough and there's no reason for it. A skilled electrician contractor can make the upgrade for you quickly and affordably.

There are additional factors to upgrading your power supply than just getting more electricity into your home. For older homes, there are also considerations of safety and security for everyone in the home. Aging wiring and cables can short,which can result in electrical fires, not to mention hurt delicate parts of those new video game systems and PCs you just installed. We suggest that, before you purchase new technology outside your home , you first fix the wiring inside your home.

As we've mentioned many times before, circuit panel upgrades are an ideal to start. Your circuit breaker panel regulate the minute to minute availability of electricity in your dwelling. If they are not meeting modern specifications, those new electronic devices you just invested all that money into won't work properly. Even worse, since the elctronic equipment is new, there's a good chance you won't even realize that you aren't receiving the value you paid for. Think back to the first time you saw an HD or 3D movie? If you had seen it on a television with an inadequate power supply and poor wiring, you would not have relished it as much as you did. Adequate electrical power is an integral part of those experiences.

Look around your dwelling and count the outlets. How many of them are still two pronged? The answer to that question is usually a good indication of how long it's been since the wiring and circuits in your home were upgraded. There's no excuse to procrastinate. You're missing the good things technology has to offer if you do. Call an electrical contractor today and let us upgrade you.